Exams just around the corner
Organize your study time.
As a teacher, I have seen countless students struggle with exam anxiety and poor time management on the weeks before and during their exams. If you're one of these students, know that one of the most effective ways to combat these issues is by devising a thorough study plan well in advance of your examinations.
As a student, I had issues similar to these. I studied when I had time, instead of creating time to study. On top of my exams, I often realized that I didn't know well enough the contents and I started panicking, which would make the little time I had left even less productive. Unsurprisingly, on the exam day I was overstressed, unconfident and tired, which often yielded academic results that were way below my potential. Until, one year, I decided to do things differently: on the very first day of the exam period, I wouldn't study at all. This day was entirely dedicated to the creation of the study plan for the weeks/months to come. The first thing was to draw a table with as many cells as the number of days until the last exam; each cell was a full day of study. Then, I populated it with the dates of all exam papers I had, on the correct cell. If I had any unavoidable commitment I would cut that day, morning or afternoon from the table, knowing this would mean less time to study. The next step was to think of everything I needed to study and, for each subject, attribute a percentage of the time I needed to cover it. Finally, I counted the total number of days I had and, considering also at the exam dates, I attributed the total number of days I needed for each subject and placed them on my newly created exam timetable. Until the end of the exam season, I just needed to ensure this plan was carefully followed. On that very year, my grades skyrocketed.
One of the attributes my students and colleagues recognise is how organized I am. In every moment of the school year, I know exactly how much of the syllabus I've taught and, more importantly, how many lessons I still need to finish it, which allows me to plan lessons in a much more significant way and be never stressed with the calendar. If one wants to find my secret, just enter my classroom on the very first day of the school year. I will be with an A3 paper, and all my subjects' syllabi opened, accommodating all the contents to be taught throughout the year, lesson by lesson.
So, my hint to you is the same I've been using most of my life. As you enter this exam season, it is essential you also take the time to develop a detailed study plan that covers all aspects of your coursework and takes in consideration the time you have left and the proportion of time you need for each subject.
Here are some essential tips for creating a study plan that will help you succeed:
1. Start by creating a detailed study plan well in advance of your exams. This should include a table with as many cells as the number of days until the last exam, with each cell representing a full day of study. You can find a free template to download on the right.
2. Populate the table with the dates of all exam papers and consider any unavoidable commitments that may impact your study time.
3. For each subject, allocate a percentage of the time you need to cover it, and count the total number of days you have to study.
4. Allocate the total number of days you need for each subject to your newly created exam timetable.
5. Follow the plan carefully until the end of the exam season.
6. Regularly review your progress and adjust your study plan as needed.
7. Use your study plan to help you stay organized and reduce exam anxiety.
8. Remember to take breaks and prioritize self-care to ensure you stay focused and energized throughout the exam season.
Remember that the key to academic success is not just intelligence or natural talent, but also effective time management and consistent effort. By creating a detailed study plan and following it with discipline and dedication, you are taking control of your education and setting yourself up for success. No matter how daunting your exams may seem, remember that you can achieve your goals if you approach them with a positive attitude and a clear plan of action. So, stay focused, stay motivated, and remember that every moment you spend studying is an investment in your future success. You got this!
Mr. Miranda